Whether you are a CEO, CMO, CXO, CRO, CFO or “simply” tasked with finding ways to increase enterprise value, there is one big question that we believe you need to ask:

How do you design and deliver the most relevant, personalized and ROI focused customer experiences?

Enterprises, both big and small, now require complex decisioning capabilities for using analytics, rules and optimization.  All in support of their company’s primary KPI’s:

  • Customer Lifetime Value: How much will your customers spend over time and how can you increase that sum?
  • Customer Satisfaction / NPS: Are you measuring NPS in a vacuum? Relying exclusively on what customers say as opposed to what they actually do?  Does "Cust Sat" get weighted with CLTV?  These are the types of hard hitting questions we address in our quest to drive 10X ROI.

  • Predictive Shopping Affinity: What products and/or services are customers likely to buy and how do you increase your company’s share?

  • Lifecycle Marketing: When and how often are customers likely to make purchases and how do you maximize customer profitability while detecting changes in need?

  • Contact Frequency and Channel Affinity Modeling: How often and by what method do customers like to be contacted and how do you use that knowledge to grow market share?

In order for brands to strive to 10X ROI, companies first must be able to organize and draw meaning from the wealth of data at their disposition. The amount and types of data available to companies will only continue to grow and having an enterprise data strategy has become mission critical.

The Power of Insights and Need for Action

Insights are at the center of all we do - Ensuring that great customer insights drive actionable, value generating outcomes is our relentless passion and never-ending focus.

Perhaps one of the most abused terms in the history of business, “Analytics” does not mean “reporting” or “dashboards” or “business intelligence.”  Those are all important, valuable things yet analytics they are not.  The unquestionable power of statistically significant, mathematically powered customer insights when combined with the equally important, properly designed, measurement framework is how true value can be measured and ultimately delivered.  There are no shortcuts.

At the Customer Experience Company our Analytics Practice focuses on:

  • Insight Discovery: ensuring that the right insights are uncovered that directly contribute to the development and continuous refinement of your CX strategy

  • Value Measurement: creating and enforcing a robust framework of value measurement to understand and impact strategy and execution every step of the way

  • Driving Actionable Value: optimizing customer experiences, the holy grail of CX Analytics, requires the right intersection of customers, content, channels and timing